Living in an earthquake zone should heighten your awareness that earthquakes can happen at any time, which means that equipment fastening is a key element in ensuring that your business can continue to function after an earthquake hits.
It stands to reason then that if you own a business which is located in an active seismic zone, equipment fastening should be at the very top of your list of priorities.
And irrespective of the scope of your operations, if you shelve the threat of earthquakes and the associated need for equipment fastening you could very well be faced with a bill many times higher than the cost of the actual fastening program.
Unsecured equipment can easily topple over in an earthquake, which is precisely why it needs to be fastened down.
Earthquakes occur when fractures in Earth’s outer shell slide by each other and build up stress. When large blocks of rock along these faults are strained to breaking point, they snap into new positions and release massive amounts of energy that cause the earth to shake.
Because we can’t predict where or when an earthquake will strike, or what its magnitude will be, the only thing left open to us is to make sure that we’re as prepared as we can be.
Earthquake proofing your workplace is similar to what you would do at home to protect your household possessions. It’s a matter of identifying potential hazards and securing them and a good rule of thumb to keep in mind is that if it’s heavy enough to hurt you if it falls on you it should be secured.
Of course, in the case of an office, lab, data center and so on it’s also a matter of protecting your investments by preventing expensive equipment from falling and smashing as the cost of replacing it could become astronomical.
Seismic Mitigation
Equipment fastening, also referred to as seismic mitigation, helps to create a safer work environment, complies with building and safety codes and it will ensure your business continuity. To that end, equipment fastening programs can be custom designed for every aspect of your operation.
Any kind of valuable equipment such as HPLCs, mass spectrometers, centrifuges and a host of other electronic items are at risk of damage if left unsecured. There are also mainframe computers, LAN cabinets and various fittings that need to be fastened down.
You can imagine what could happen if there was an earthquake and everything smashed to the floor. Years worth of valuable research could be lost, as well as the equipment itself. That scenario is totally avoidable, however, and there are innovative and cost effective methods of equipment fastening for all these things based on client preference.
Earthquake Preparedness in the Workplace
Earthquakes are unpredictable, so being prepared is the most practical course of action to take. If your equipment is unsecured it could be damaged or trashed beyond repair in a quake. The best way to prevent that is to take action now to avoid major financial and logistical headaches later.
And regardless of the size of your operation, a free risk evaluation will determine how best to meet your needs. QuakeHOLD! Industrial is the leader in earthquake preparedness and equipment fastening. If you run a business in an earthquake zone you need to be prepared and we strongly encourage you to look into our equipment fastening options and do it today.
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