We’ve spent a lot of time during these past months talking about how a business can get up to speed on earthquake preparedness and one very important part of the equation is that of disaster preparedness supplies.
If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that we take earthquake preparedness extremely seriously. It’s where we live. We constantly encourage you to secure all of your equipment to prevent damage or loss, and it’s just as important to make sure that you have disaster preparedness supplies on hand for your employees.
Too often businesses located in active seismic zones go about their day to day operations completely oblivious to the threat of earthquakes and consequently they ignore the need to be prepared, which includes having disaster preparedness supplies.
We can’t stress enough how crucial it is to have disaster preparedness supplies on hand and to store them where you can easily get to them.
The bottom line is that a business relies on its workforce to sustain its productivity and if that productivity is interrupted because of an earthquake, the employees will be a vital cog in eventually getting the business back on track.
And in order to ensure that those employees are in a position to help restore operations, they will first need to get through the critical 72 hour period immediately after a quake. That’s why we have developed a variety of disaster kits to meet the needs of any business, large or small.
Disaster Preparedness Supplies
As we’ve pointed out in previous articles, an earthquake preparedness checklist is a good thing to have because it provides a guideline on steps to follow such as identifying potential hazards around your work space and securing them, and ensuring there are disaster preparedness supplies for your employees.
Let’s assume that you’ve done the right thing and have undertaken a non-structural interior mitigation program to secure all your equipment and in doing so you have made the work environment safer for your employees. Let’s say you have also instigated an earthquake preparedness plan so that everyone knows what to do during and after a quake.
Now the only thing left to do is to make sure you have enough disaster preparedness supplies for your workforce.
If you’re in an earthquake zone, these are all things that you absolutely should do if you’re serious about being prepared and enhancing your business continuity plans.
When you do the math, it becomes crystal clear that if your business is temporarily set back by an earthquake the fastest, most efficient and least expensive way to get back on track is with a fully functional workforce and the smartest way to ensure that happens is to have disaster preparedness supplies for them at work.
An earthquake preparedness checklist is a must and if you haven’t done anything about it yet, you should bring in seismic mitigation experts.
Seismic Protection Products and Services
Earthquakes are unpredictable, so being prepared is the most practical course of action to take. If your equipment is unsecured it could be damaged or lost and the best way to prevent that from happening is to take action now to avoid major financial and logistical headaches later.
Similarly, if you don’t have enough disaster preparedness supplies on hand for your employees, the process of restoring your operations will be delayed.
QuakeHOLD! Industrial is the leader in seismic fastening programs and earthquake preparedness. Check us out and research the full range of seismic protection products and services that we offer.
And regardless of the size of your business, a free site survey and evaluation will determine how best to meet your needs.
If your business is based in an earthquake zone, don’t put off earthquake preparedness any longer. Get your disaster preparedness supplies in order and get started today.
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