Thursday, September 23, 2010

Earthquake Preparedness Highlighted In New Zealand

The recent 7.0 earthquake in New Zealand should have taught us another lesson about the importance of earthquake preparedness. Many businesses were not prepared and as a result, equipment and office furniture that was unsecured was either damaged or lost for good.

Like a lot of people here in the USA, folks in Christchurch were rather blasé about the chances of a big earthquake disrupting their livelihoods, but they now know differently.

The damages bill from the temblor is around US$3 billion, so if there is one main lesson to be learned from the Christchurch quake, which was the biggest to hit New Zealand in almost 80 years, it is that securing equipment and office furniture should be a priority.

The technical term for it is non-structural seismic mitigation.

Seismic Protection Products & Services

An earthquake preparedness company that focuses on earthquake preparedness for businesses is just right to protect the business and employees from the earthquake disasters.

A company experienced in seismic bracing and has developed seismic protection systems that are recommended by federal and state agencies including the USGS, FEMA, the California Earthquake Authority and others will be give you exactly what you need in order to get your business going.

If earthquake safety isn’t already high on your list of priorities, it should be. The first place to start is to make a list of all the potential hazards in your business such as tall, top-heavy items of equipment, contents of your office, data centers, labs and so on.

If that seems a bit daunting, we can do it for you by conducting a risk assessment.

The idea is to secure items so that they won’t topple over. Imagine what would happen to your business if you lost your valuable equipment and data.
Our highly acclaimed seismic fastening programs include everything from warehouse seismic mitigation and lab equipment fastening to data center seismic mitigation and countertop fasteners.

Employee safety is another important thing you should be thinking about because securing those potential hazards will make for a safer environment for your workers. It will minimize the risk of injuries to them from falling objects.

As we’ve repeatedly reminded you during the past few months, if your business is based in an earthquake zone you shouldn’t procrastinate a moment longer about earthquake preparedness.

Emergency Kits

Be prepared with disaster supplies and emergency kits for businesses.

Different situations require different solutions and we’ve got you covered. The 10-person Site Safety Kit is specifically for the workplace. It contains enough emergency items to sustain up to 10 people for 72 hours.

There is also an Evacuation Kit for individuals. It’s designed for employees to keep at their work stations so they can quickly grab it if they need to evacuate their building. Each kit has enough food, water and other essentials in it for one person for 24 hours.

And there is the Pandemic Response Kit. It has been developed in response to the high level of concern over the spread of things like the Pandemic H1N1 Flu. This item provides protection for up to four people against the spread of germs, both on touchable surfaces and airborne.

Each one of the options we’ve been reviewing in this blog is an important part of earthquake preparedness

You may find more information about earthquake preparedness at

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